Weekly News


Image result for ASbury's

This week it has been announced that Sainsbury's and ASDA will merge to form one company. The decision was a big business move and has left one question on everybody's mind. What will it be called? ASburys, SainsDA, Sasda Or my personal favourite ASdy's. Sadly its likely both shops will keep their names as they've built up a respected brand but one can dream.

The real news comes from the Sainsbury's boss Mike Coupe being caught singing "We're in the money" when his microphone was left on before a television interview. I personally found this hilarious as it's about the most stereotypical evil corporation boss thing to do. Just the idea that this actually happened is so hilariously cartoonish that I'm not surprised the story has taken off. This BBC News article reports the story in a far from positive way using quotes that highlight the financial profit he appears to be gaining from the merger down to his shares in the company which have jumped up by 15% since the merger was announced.

It should be noted that SKY News has had a rather positive outlook on the merger with many stories focusing on how it will drive down prices as well as other consumer benefits. Perhaps there is an ulterior motive at play here which wouldn't be out of the question especially with SKY.

In other news the Prime Minister has once again changed her leading adjective this week to "robust" which I have no doubt will be just as meaningless as "hard Brexit" or "strong and stable". Undoubtedly the new word will be plastered all over Tory posters as if they just invented the word however its affect on the public is yet to be seen especially as the public has gradually gotten more and more disillusioned with politics over the past few years and this includes myself.


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