Weekly News - Breitbart Edition

A look at Breitbart

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Some examples of Breitbart headlines

This week I decided to take a look at now famed far-right news outlet Breitbart. Breitbart came into the limelight when its founder Steve Bannon was appointed as Donald Trumps right hand manafter the election, a position he no longer holds. Breitbart is known for its extreme right views that have sometimes gone as far as excusing the Nazi regime.

Looking at their website it's easy to establish some key themes which are gun control, Islam/ISIS and Trumps border wall.

Breitbart is not an unbiased news company and makes its political biases very clear. Compare Breitbart to the BBC and although the BBC has some clear bias it presents news stories in a much more critical and balanced way. Not to mention that Breitbart only publishes stories that act as so called "evidence" of their ideologies. For example this story link which acts as a way to encourage their readers to support Donald Trumps border wall.

Unbelievably Breitbart has gotten better. This article from 2015 is frankly disgusting n its treatment of women. Stating that birth control will give women "cottage-cheese thighs" that will "slam the brakes on any guy's lust". This suggests that women only exist to be attractive to men. It also claims that birth control makes women sluts and will destroy marriage. Its impossible for me to cover all the prejudices in this article. However compare this to more modern Breitbart and the new Breitbart looks almost liberal.

I intend to revisit this website in future weeks to dissect where these views come from as well as how they effect their readers opinions.


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