Primary Story

Coulsdon Quality Control

It's quite apparent from a simple glance that healthy food doesn't seem to be a priority. From pizza and sausage rolls to chicken and chips there is certainly an appetite for unhealthy food here at the college. Every day students flock to the canteen and consume what seems like 10 tons of chicken each day. These foods are high in fat and salt which with daily consumption can lead to health problems in later life such as heart attacks and diabetes.

The drinks aren't much better as a complete lack of diet drinks means that unless you want to drink water you'll be forced to have drinks very high in sugar such as Lucozade which is well known for its high glucose content. Despite this it should be known that if all food in the canteen was made healthy students would go elsewhere. Many students across the college have no issue with the type of food served at the canteen as it's likely what they would eat any however there is some clear demand for healthier food in the canteen.

The pricing is also a matter of concern as many students find that they are running out of funds more quickly than expected. It is clear that the prices are high with even a salad costing around £3 which is perhaps why people shy away from healthier options. The chicken and chips aren't any better with similar prices across the board. Drinks are also pricey with what is usually a 79p bottle of Lucozade costing somewhere in the range of £1.20. They can afford to charge this much as students who have their card topped up by a parent have nowhere else to go. This pricing issue is the same across the country in Schools and Colleges as students have nowhere else to go. I have personally switched from buying canteen food to getting my food from outside shops. This allows me to not only save money but also allows me to make healthier choices.


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