Weekly News

Far-Right Terror

Image result for far right charlottesville


A recent article by BBC News discusses the ever increasing threat of Far-right terrorism in the UK.

According to assistant commissioner Mark  Rowley 4 far-right terror plots were foiled just last year. The article also warns that these far-right attacks are operated in a very similar way to the Islamist extremist attacks which have been so big in the news.

Comparisons are definitely drawn between the far-right and the radical Islamist's here which is ironic since being similar to one another is likely the last thing either of these groups would want. 

In the SKY News version of the story they were very clear to mention that "Islamist related terrorism remains the most significant threat facing the UK" which despite being true perhaps feeds into the right wing ideologies of the SKY News company as well as the news coverage they get of Islamist extremism.

In fact in America far right attacks have been a threat for many years whether its shooting up abortion clinics or its the Charlottesville attack it has been affecting their lives for years and yet often these acts aren't labelled as terrorism despite similar motivations and devastating consequences. Perhaps a level of racism is to blame for that as I think that the colour of someones skin shouldn't lessen their crimes.

In my opinion all terror should be a huge concern to the government and one that should be swiftly dealt with no matter the motivation behind the attack.


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