Weekly News

Toxic Fumes

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An investigation has been launched over some highly unethical tests conducted by the German health research group known as the EUGT which is funded by some large German car brands such as Volkswagen and BMW. These tests involved subjecting both monkeys and humans to toxic car exhaust fumes to tests the effects they have. These tests have been slated by the German government which called the tests "abominable". German Chancellor Angela Merkel said "These tests on monkeys or even humans cannot be justified ethically in any way,". The EUGT was shut down last year however this data has only been recently made public by The New York Times

This backlash has been particularly strong for VW who have yet to shake the bad press from their emissions scandal. This could be the last nail in the coffin for a company with a past they'd rather forget, *cough* the 1940s *cough*(Joke Context).

The question being posed here is the reason for these tests. It has been stated that these unethical tests were to test the effects of fumes on humans and although this seems like a decent excuse if it weren't for the fact that these tests could've been conducted using machines or by using less concentrated fumes on smaller mammals. Who knows maybe VW just likes gassing people, *cough* the 1940s *cough*.

Comparing this to Volkswagens previous scandal it would appear that this is far worse however it's likely that their high emissions have had a greater effect on more peoples health than these horrific experiments.

Air pollution is a hot topic in Germany however comparing Berlins' air quality to London's' we can see that Berlin is remarkably better (Link to data). I think that this story should focus our efforts here in England where the situation is far more dire than it is in many places across Europe.


  1. You included ccceo throughout the post continuously. You could have added more context into the post; other than that, it's a well written post


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