Weekly News

President Winfrey?

Oprah Winfrey at the Golden Globes

This week (much like all other weeks) has been filled with new stories from american politics. This BBC News article discusses the recent calls for Oprah Winfrey to run for president in 2020. The BBC shows a few of the public responses to this idea with a few tweets supporting the idea and some others pointing out perhaps some of the more realistic observations such as how those who criticise Trump for being a billionaire reality star will happily support Oprah despite her being the same.

Now I am no Trump supporter but i would for once like to see an actual politician become president. It's almost as if America has forgotten what being president means. Its become less about actual politics and is instead being run more like The X Factor with elections run in knock-out stages filled with scandal and slander.

Now I'd be the first to sign up to a change from Trump however I would like to see a more serious and experienced person take the role rather than more loud, bombastic television personalities.

However it is clear that even the left-leaning BBC News seems unsure about this decision presenting a very even article (by George Pierpoint). However Sky News has followed with the headline "Does Oprah Winfrey really want the White House and could she win?" suggesting that not only would she be unable to secure a win but wouldn't want it anyway. 

Either way it's clear that Sky News remains much more opinionated and biased than the BBC.


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