Theory Study

Reception Theory/Uses and Gratification Theory

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Case Study: Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto is one of the most controversial yet highest selling video games of all time. The game involves the player getting rich via numerous crimes such as theft, fraud, murder and bank robberies.  The subject of the games has been something of a lot of debate however the game is still massively popular with GTA 5 being the best selling video game of all time with well over 85 million copies. So what is it that makes people so eager to play a game that glorifies violence and crime in this manner.

Uses and Gratification Theory:
This theory suggests that audiences choose their own reasons to consume a media product. These are the most likely reasons an audience would choose to play GTA:

Entertainment: First and foremost is entertainment. After all it is a video game which is designed to be fun. The freedom the game allows means that players can enjoy violence in a safe place. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with enjoying violence. Its natural. As humans we naturally enjoy violence, we're predatory animals who by nature perform sick acts for our own gain. Obviously this is illegal in society so having a virtual space for this is perfectly healthy and is a clear source of entertainment.

Forming Friendships: Playing a video game can be a great thing to talk about and form friendships over I personally know many friends that I have made over a common interest in a video game. However lots of people may form friendships while playing the game online with others. Since both players have a common interest in the game it is an easy platform to launch friendships.

Reception Theory:
This is the idea that audiences are active rather than passive and form their own opinion on a media product. The 3 readings are:

Preferred Reading: This is where the audience interprets the media just as the producer intends. This is usually when the product aligns with the audiences ideologies. The preferred reading of GTA is that it is simple entertainment designed to please our human instincts. This is how most of those who play the game feel.

Negotiated Reading: Where the audience accepts some of the message yet disagrees with other parts. A negotiated reading of GTA could be that a person sees the appeal of the game and thinks that it is mostly harmless yet may be concerned over some crimes linked to the game.

Oppositional Reading: Where the audience rejects the message and can be actively against the message. This often happens when the audience feels misrepresented or that the message could have a negative impact. A great example of a negative response to GTA can be seen in the BBC 2 drama The Game changers which stars Daniel Radcliffe. It focuses on the controversy caused by the release of the game series as well as the crimes linked to the game. Many may feel that the games content may affect peoples minds especially on children.


  1. As expected this is a good report with detailed examples and some coverage involving CCCEO.
    You argue that we are animalistic and Video allows us to work out this emotion in a safe environment. You may have also offered the 'flip side' of what happens when the violence is emulated outside of the bedroom.

    Going forward practice answering in an essay format in order to get your muscle memory working for the formal examinations.

    Well Done Jean-Luc


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