Young and Rubicam

Young and Rubicam

Young and Rubicam's audience theory is a counter theory to the idea of demographics which is shown below.
Image result for young and rubicam theory7
Rather than using this traditional model which separates people purely by class the Young and Rubicam's model separates people into consumerist markets as seen below.

Image result for young and rubicam theory

Within these models I feel that I fall best into the explorer category. This is because I am interested in new technologies as well as new interesting experiences. And although clothing brands don't appeal to me and I own very little branded clothing I still am attracted to certain technology brands as unlike in the clothes market I feel this makes a considerable difference to the quality of a product.


  1. A very brief piece not delving too deep into the theories. I believe that you understand these concepts Jean-Luc but this may not appear evident to the average reader.


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