Weekly News

Leave the royals alone
With this weeks announcement of another royal wedding stirring up the fever again I thought it would be time to express my feelings on the matter.

Why are so many people so obsessed? A quick search on BBC news brings up 10+ royal engagement stories just this week. I could understand the hype for Will & Kate's wedding as they are likely the future king and queen of England. However anyone who has heard Harry speak will know that he's about as normal as it gets when it comes to lifestyle. Leave them alone. Especially those complaining about Meghan's race. I think this marks a progressive turn for the royal family and that those Daily Mail readers need to calm down and accept it or get lost with the times.

Sky news is not much better with their front page showing a live feed of information about the wedding.

It's very clear that things like this bring out the racists in our society and I not only wish the couple well but also pray that one day we will live in a world where nobody feels the need to be angry about something so trivial as the colour of someone's skin.


  1. Nice sentiment Jean-Luc but you need to tie it to what we have been discussing. What sort of Representation are you discussing and who is the Audience and why?


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