Women in Headhunters

Women in Headhunters

In the Norwegian thriller "Headhunters" there are only really 3 key female characters. Each character is a very different representation of women. I will now look over each character and how they are used to represent women.
Image result for headhunters film

Diana - Intelligent, sexualised,:

Image result for headhunters showerDiana is the first female we see in the film and she is immediately sexualised. She is see completely naked in the shower. I do not believe this was necessarily done to appeal to a male audience but rather to show the audience how good Roger's life is. It feeds in to the idea of his insecurity as he mentions in the beginning that he is "5 foot 6" and "overcompensates for his height". He has the idea of why would his wife ever want to be with him and so he gives her a rich lifestyle so that she stays with him. However we learn that she actually does love him at the end. This draws in to the mentality that women only go for men with money. This idea that women are shallow and only caring about material things is a stereotype that this film breaks at the end.

Lotte - Untrustworthy: 

Roger's mistress Lotte is originally portrayed as being desperate to form a real relationship despite Roger simply using her for sex. However as the story unravels it becomes clear that she has been working against Roger for a long time and has betrayed him. 

Natascha - Prostitute:

She is a minor character and has very little lines. Her character is a prostitute and represents women perhaps in poverty who have little or no choice. She plays little role in the story apart from showing that Rogers partner Clas is a morally ambiguous person and cares very little for meaningful relationships.


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