Weekly News 3

Worse for Weinstein

As this week has progressed the now notorious sleazebag Harvey Weinstein has only seemed to have gotten into a worse and worse position.
It seems that almost every day more actresses come out to attack Weinstein with their own personal stories.
BBC News has been following this story intensely as Weinstein has been their headline news story almost every day.
I find it amusing how much the BBC has changed in the past 30 years. To see how once a company that harboured infamous paedophiles ,like Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris, is now very quick to condemn Weinstein using quotes such as "pathetic" and "revolting". Not that I am suggesting they are wrong to condemn Weinstein for his disgusting attacks on actresses but simply suggesting that it is interesting to see the change in society and the BBC.
In contrast the Murdoch controlled SKY News seemed a lot less angry with Weinstein ,and I wouldn't be surprised if Murdoch and Weinstein were personal friends, choosing to push this story down to 6th place in it's news queue. It's hardly a surprise that SKY is less likely to accuse a rich white male.


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