Weekly News 2

Abortion Protest Ban

When looking at any american news outlet it is clear that in the states abortion is a huge topic that divides many people into two categories. Pro-Life, who believe that life is sacred and that abortion should be illegal, and Pro-Choice, who believe that a woman has the choice over her own body and those who get pregnant shouldn't be forced to carry out the pregnancy. As a liberal and someone who is pro-choice I may be a little biased here.

The big news story here, as reported by BBC news who also are pro-choice and represent this story in a positive manner, is that Ealing council has introduced a ban on all protests outside its abortion clinic. This comes after 3,593 residents signed a petition to get this ban passed.

In my opinion I think this ban is a short sighted move. Liberals have protested for their causes and would be outraged if they were told they couldn't protest. I understand that if the protests were disruptive it is acceptable to ask them to be more quiet, however I am a strong believer in free speech and I think it is wrong to silence a persons opinion just because you disagree with it. Those who are pro-life have as much of a right to protest as those who are pro-choice.

Leave me some of your opinions in the comments.

Reference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-41577129


  1. This is a good post as it goes in depth and you have given your own opinion.


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