Barnardo's The Row

Barnardo's The Row

This advert uses sympathy and children to make the audience have an emotional response.

By using a violin in the background they create a sad atmosphere. The sound of the fighting in the background is muffled as if to give the audience the perspective of a child covering their ears as seen in the video.

The colours are dull as if to show the bad unhappy situation the child is in. There is a dark circular border that focuses the audience on the expressions of the child.

The voice over is calm and serious as not to make light of the serious situation. The voice over is used to explain the effect of domestic violence on children.

The request of the audience to hive £2 a month is repeated twice in order to reinforce the message.

Overall I think this advert is far more effective than some other barnardos advert where it is unclear what they do. This advert makes it clear what the situation is and the role that barnardos plays in trying to help these children.


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