LYNX Welcome To The Jungle

Lynx Welcome to The Jungle
Firstly, the title refers to the song that plays in the background which is a ballad cover of welcome to the jungle by guns and roses. I believe that this song was chosen because of its references to the power of money and the mayhem of society. There is an interesting contrast between what is seen on screen by the viewer and what you hear. The scenes depicted in the video you would imagine to be extremely loud such as motorbike engines, windows smashing and dogs barking yet these sounds are absent and instead all we hear is the calm music. This is done to emphasise the message at the end of the video “bring the quiet”

This video advert contains lots of representations and stereo types which are often negative. Looking at stereo types of gender and race we see lots of typical depictions.
In the video, the women receive lots of representations. For example, near the beginning we see 4 women dancing in revealing clothes. These women are sexualised deliberately as it attempts to interest men. Women are often sexualised in the media and this is no exception. Most women throughout the video are meant to be idealistic and over sexualised perhaps as the makers of the video attempt to point out their disliking of this trend. The girls in the limousine also appear to be quite unhappy despite living a clearly luxurious life they almost look worried as if calling for help. Perhaps this is a message about how they have sold out their lives and are now in regret. The girl seen at the very end is meant to be a contrast to all the other women in the video. Where all the other women in the video are wearing revealing clothes or have large amounts of makeup on or are surrounded by luxurious things and money, the girl at the end has very little make-up on as the video hints towards her natural beauty. The smoke effects and brightness make her seem angelic compared to those around her. It is also at this point that the music climaxes and the guitar and drums take over showing you the importance of this moment.
Males get a completely different representation to women. In the video advert men are portrayed as being violent as seen when the man jumps through the window. This is because men are seen as being instinctive and quick to anger. Not all the men in the video are represented in this way but many of them are.
Throughout the LYNX advert white people predominantly males are represented as being exceedingly wealthy. They are wealthy to the point where they can afford to literally throw money out their window to mock the poorer people. All the white males (except for the one at the end) in the video are wearing suits which also represents them as being wealthy and also trendy. They appear to hold a celebrity status as one of their limos is swamped by paparazzi. The paparazzi all turn to the camera and face the audience whilst taking rapid photographs perhaps to make the audience feel what that type of harassment is like.

Particularly at the beginning of the video where we see a group of black men dressed like they just came off the set of a 50-cent music video. Complete with gravity defying trousers and baggy white shirts they represent a stereotype of black men being unwelcoming and dangerous. They are specifically there to look threatening and to make the viewer feel uncomfortable. This representation is used because it is a direct contrast to the lifestyles of the white men in the video.


  1. Jean-Lic this is a very good analysis of the Advert you break down your paragraphs in a report fashion which may not be relevant here but you do cover key topics and concepts well. I do however believe that going forward you should summarise and conclude your points. Well Done.

  2. You need to include images as evidence to prove you point and make your readers believe into what you're saying. However you make valid points and analysis.


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